
*	tie up with all MF and Insurance companies
* 	agents will have own account which can be used to pitch the plan to the client remotely.
*	Client will also have his own account.
*	Agent will scan the QR after logging in and his smartphone app will also get logged in and agent can use it as a writing pad.
*	Parties can talk or chat over the session.
*	They can share the screen.
*	Dashboard will have the section (i.e. Pad) will be common for both the parties which can be used to scrabble the calculations / to share the pdf or any article or ppt / to video / live.
*	Session can be assisted by any other agent / sr. person in a hidden mode (if needed)
*	RSS feed (like web clip)
*	Multiple plans can be pitched with multiPad.
*	After the pitch is done Client can review the plans / session anytime in the future along with Agent’s voice (complete audio visual format) 
*	Session can be fast forwarded / rewinded and get the exact point of interest. 
*	Based upon the data (like client’s stopping at particular section the session, or reading a pdf or watching the video or checking the calculations) which will show client’s inclination towards the plan, we can suggest agent to insist on buying the particular plan to the client.  
*	Such 1 side sessions can be saved (without client’s input / voice) by the agent in his account to be used for pitching another client.  While pitching the next client, he need not to be explaining everything again, being online in the session he just need to play the session and he can intervene when client asks something or when needed.
*	Agents can also participate in any of the contest going in the particular company and win extra prizes across the globe.

*	As the platform will have tie up with banks and companies, extra benefits / gifts will also be given to agents which individual agents directly tied up with companies won’t get. 
*	As the client buys any of the plan from the agent, all the process will be completed digitally except the one which needs one’s physical presence, i.e. Medical Check up.
*	One the plan is bought, all the documents will be submitted on the platform itself and then will be submitted to MF or Insurance company by the platform itself. So, platform will know the plan details and can calculate the agent’s commission.
*	The commission of the agent can also come to his wallet in the platform itself which can then be withdrawn to his bank. (Need to check with companies if its possible) 
*	There will be a fix platform fee for all this facility.
*	Agent can be pitch to anyone in the world even while spending vacations in Europe.
*	Based on clients’ interest, they can be suggested /  shown the advertisements of other similar plans too. 
*	Platform can be used to any kind of job which needs mediator’s assistance globally. 
*	As the software will be ready, it can also be rented under SAAS.
*	Agents will buy the plan though mima because its trustworthy to upload the documents here rather than handing over to any agent. Because of tie up, mima will be trusted by all the Ins and MF companies.
*	Client won’t need to upload same documents again and again (unless anything is updated). Client can use same uploaded documents for different plans from different agents. (unless anything extra needed).
*	Incase there is any need to collect anything physically, mima will have such people to be collected and send it to mima for submitting the company.
*	There will be extra fee charged for this service.
* 	mima will get a part of commission from the agent.
*	As Naishtika's aim is to provide education to people, Mima platform will be provided free of charge to be used in Educational and Non-Profit sector.
*       Users will get limited amount of disk space to store the sessions, to have more sessions in the account, user will buy extra disk space from mima.
*       mama can associate with CPP to provide extra facility to client users. 

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